About Us

Maternity,Pregnancy,Baby-Birth বিষয়ে তথ্য,সেবা দেয়া এবং চিকিৎসা বিজ্ঞানের একটি নতুন অগ্রগতি Stem-Cell-Therapy নিয়ে আলকপাত হয়েছে।
Reliance Life Sciences (RLS) established the first public Cord Blood Bank in 2002 and later extended the Cord Blood Stem  Cell banking services to families. This Cord Blood Repository has been accorded a license by Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Government of India and also has been inspected and accredited by American Association of Blood Banks. This is the first cord blood repository to be set up in India and South Asia. 
Currently RLS is offering three programs, under the ReliCord™ umbrella:

  • ReliCord® - Superior (cord blood + cord tissue banking)

  • ReliCord® - M50 (cord blood + 50 million cord tissue stem cells + cord tissue banking).

  • ReliCord® -A -  A product of public cord blood bank given to patients for hematopoietic reconstitution after suitable HLA match

Reliance Life Sciences is a pioneer in stem cell research in India and has a significant commitment to developing stem cell therapies, right from research to clinical applications. Presently, the Regenerative Medicine Group is developing stem cell therapies that have good potential in addressing unmet medical needs in cardiology, neurology and ophthalmic domains.

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